Dr. Dmitry Batenkov - Personal Website

Dr. Dmitry Batenkov - Personal Website

Work experience

Since 2024, I have been a Research Scientist at Basis Research Institute, New York, NY.

Recent positions:
  • 2019-2024: Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
  • 2016-2019: Postdoctoral Associate, MIT, USA.
  • 2015-2016: Postdoctoral Researcher, Technion, Israel.


  • 2014: Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.


Email: dima dot [LAST NAME] at gmail dot com

Research Interests

  • Inverse problems
  • Scientific Machine Learning
  • Signal processing
  • Applied harmonic analysis
  • Mathematical super-resolution
  • Numerical analysis



  1. Michael Levinov, Yosef Yomdin, Dmitry Batenkov. Algebraic Reconstruction of Piecewise-Smooth Functions of Two Variables from Fourier Data , arXiv:2503.02254, 2025. [PDF]
  2. Nuha Diab, Dmitry Batenkov. Spectral Properties of Infinitely Smooth Kernel Matrices in the Single Cluster Limit, with Applications to Multivariate Super-Resolution , arXiv:2407.10600, 2024. [PDF]
  3. Rami Katz, Giulia Giordano, Dmitry Batenkov. Data-Driven Identification of Reaction-Diffusion Dynamics from Finitely Many Non-Local Noisy Measurements by Exponential Fitting , arXiv.2404.09503, 2024. [PDF]

Journal Articles

  1. Shai Zucker, Dmitry Batenkov, Michal Segal Rozenhaimer. Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Modeling Atmospheric Radiative Transfer , Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2025.
  2. Rami Katz, Nuha Diab, Dmitry Batenkov. On the Accuracy of Prony's Method for Recovery of Exponential Sums with Closely Spaced Exponents , Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 2024. [PDF]
  3. Adar Kahana, Symeon Papadimitropoulos, Eli Turkel, Dmitry Batenkov. A Physically Informed Deep-Learning Approach for Locating Sources in a Waveguide , The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2023. [PDF]
  4. Dmitry Batenkov, Nuha Diab. Super-Resolution of Generalized Spikes and Spectra of Confluent Vandermonde Matrices , Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 2023. [PDF]
  5. Rami Katz, Nuha Diab, Dmitry Batenkov. Decimated Prony's Method for Stable Super-Resolution , IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2023. [PDF]
  6. Dmitry Batenkov, Gil Goldman. Single-Exponential Bounds for the Smallest Singular Value of Vandermonde Matrices in the Sub-Rayleigh Regime , Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 2021. [PDF]
  7. Dmitry Batenkov, Gil Goldman, Yosef Yomdin. Super-Resolution of near-Colliding Point Sources , Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, 2021. [PDF]
  8. Dmitry Batenkov, Benedikt Diederichs, Gil Goldman, Yosef Yomdin. The Spectral Properties of Vandermonde Matrices with Clustered Nodes , Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2021. [PDF]
  9. Dmitry Batenkov, Laurent Demanet, Gil Goldman, Yosef Yomdin. Conditioning of Partial Nonuniform Fourier Matrices with Clustered Nodes , SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2020. [PDF]
  10. Dmitry Batenkov, Laurent Demanet, Hrushikesh N Mhaskar. Stable Soft Extrapolation of Entire Functions , Inverse Problems, 2019. [PDF]
  11. Dmitry Batenkov. Stability and Super-Resolution of Generalized Spike Recovery , Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 2018. [PDF]
  12. Dmitry Batenkov. Accurate Solution of Near-Colliding Prony Systems via Decimation and Homotopy Continuation , Theoretical Computer Science, 2017. [PDF]
  13. Dmitry Batenkov, Yaniv Romano, Michael Elad. On the Global-Local Dichotomy in Sparsity Modeling , Compressed Sensing and Its Applications, 2017. [PDF]
  14. Dmitry Batenkov, Yosef Yomdin. Taylor domination, TurĂ¡n lemma, and PoincarĂ©-Perron sequences , Contemporary Mathematics, 2016. [PDF]
  15. D. Batenkov. Complete Algebraic Reconstruction of Piecewise-Smooth Functions from Fourier Data , Mathematics of Computation, 2015. [PDF]
  16. D. Batenkov, Y. Yomdin. Local and Global Geometry of Prony Systems and Fourier Reconstruction of Piecewise-Smooth Functions , Operator-Related Function Theory and Time-Frequency Analysis, 2015. [PDF]
  17. D. Batenkov, O. Friedland, Y. Yomdin. Sampling, Metric Entropy and Dimensionality Reduction , SIAM J.Math.Anal., 2015. [PDF]
  18. Dmitry Batenkov, Gal Binyamini. Uniform upper bounds for the cyclicity of the zero solution of the Abel differential equation , Journal of Differential Equations, 2015. [PDF]
  19. Dmitry Batenkov, Niv Sarig, Yosef Yomdin. Accuracy of Algebraic Fourier Reconstruction for Shifts of Several Signals , Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing, 2014. [PDF]
  20. Dmitry Batenkov, Yosef Yomdin. Geometry and Singularities of the Prony mapping , Journal of Singularities, 2014. [PDF]
  21. D. Batenkov, Y. Yomdin. On the accuracy of solving confluent Prony systems , SIAM J. Appl. Math., 2013. [PDF]
  22. D. Batenkov, V. Golubyatnikov, Y. Yomdin. Reconstruction of Planar Domains from Partial Integral Measurements , Contemporary Mathematics, 2013. [PDF]
  23. Dmitry Batenkov, Gal Binyamini. Moment Vanishing of Piecewise Solutions of Linear ODEs , Difference Equations, Discrete Dynamical Systems and Applications, 2012. [PDF]
  24. Dmitry Batenkov, Yosef Yomdin. Taylor Domination, Difference Equations, and Bautin Ideals , Difference Equations, Discrete Dynamical Systems and Applications, 2012. [PDF]
  25. D. Batenkov, Y. Yomdin. Algebraic Fourier reconstruction of piecewise smooth functions , Mathematics of Computation, 2012. [PDF]
  26. D. Batenkov, N. Sarig, Y. Yomdin. An ``algebraic\" reconstruction of piecewise-smooth functions from integral measurements , Functional Differential Equations, 2012. [PDF]
  27. Dmitry Batenkov. Open BEAGLE: a generic framework for evolutionary computations , Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 2011. [PDF]
  28. D. Batenkov. Moment inversion problem for piecewise D-finite functions , Inverse Problems, 2009. [PDF]

Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers

  1. Rami Katz, Giulia Giordano, Dmitry Batenkov. Data-Driven Delay Estimation in Reaction-Diffusion Systems via Exponential Fitting , IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2024. [PDF]
  2. D. Batenkov, A. Bhandari, T. Blu. Rethinking Super-Resolution: The Bandwidth Selection Problem , ICASSP 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2019. [PDF]
  3. D. Batenkov, L. Demanet. Soft Extrapolation of Bandlimited Functions , 2017 IEEE 7th International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), 2017. [PDF]
  4. Andrey Akinshin, Dmitry Batenkov, Yosef Yomdin. Accuracy of spike-train Fourier reconstruction for colliding nodes , 2015 International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), 2015. [PDF]
  5. Dmitry Batenkov. Prony Systems via Decimation and Homotopy Continuation , Proceedings of the 2014 Symposium on Symbolic-Numeric Computation, 2014. [PDF]
  6. Dmitry Batenkov, Yosef Yomdin. Algebraic signal sampling, Gibbs phenomenon and Prony-type systems , 10th international conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA 2013), 2013. [PDF]
  7. Yosef Yomdin, Dmitry Batenkov, Niv Sarig. Decoupling of Fourier Reconstruction System for Shifts of Several Signals , 10th international conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA 2013), 2013. [PDF]
  8. D. Batenkov, G. Dinkin, Y. Yomdin. Automatic animation of high resolution images , 2012 IEEE 27th Convention of Electrical Electronics Engineers in Israel (IEEEI), 2012. [PDF]
  9. D. Batenkov, Y. Yomdin. Algebraic Reconstruction of Piecewise-Smooth Functions from Fourier Data , Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SAMPTA), 2011. [PDF]
  10. D. Batenkov, N. Sarig, Y. Yomdin. An ``algebraic'' reconstruction of piecewise-smooth functions from integral measurements , Proc. of Sampling Theory and Applications (SAMPTA), 2009. [PDF]